Are you someone who is always looking for innovation and is constantly working to make existing products even better? Are you accurate, flexible and do you have a HBO work and thinking level, or higher? Fantastic! We are looking for an enthusiastic Software Engineer and nice colleague to expand our team from September 2022 (but earlier is also fine). A real go-getter who will join our fun and dynamic team.



As a Software Engineer at Capital ID you work together in a small team of other developers and specialists. Together you'll build new and existing Solutions for our SaaS solution ID Manager. You use proven techniques and research new insights into applicability. Collaboration goes further than just your team. For example, you'll regularly work together with the other teams and colleagues within Cap - such as: the IT team and the Solution Consultants - to solve issues and improve our services.


You will end up in one of the nicest SaaS companies in the Netherlands! At Capital ID there are approximately 14 professionals working at our office in Zwolle. They work with dedication and a healthy dose of humour on our brand portal solution: ID Brand Portal. Ensuring that our customers are more than satisfied and can make optimal use of our product, that's where we get our energy. The diversity of customers and endless possibilities guarantee a challenge within your position. Need a break? Play a game of table football with your colleagues or settle down on our lounge sofa. Rather work form home? No problem, we are flexible with working hours and working from home.



Your team currently consists of 4 people with a good dose of knowledge and experience. You are assured of a challenging position in an ambitious team with an informal, accessible and collegial working atmosphere in the most beautiful and atmospheric city of Overijssel. We offer you the opportunity to further specialize in areas that you find interesting and that make our product better. In addition, we regularly organize office outings with all colleagues for a pleasant evening out or we have drinks at the office.



Proven knowledge of and experience with:

  • .NET and C#

  • MS SQL

  • Typescript


In addition, a plus is:

  • Microsoft Azure

  • .Net Core


  • Blazor

  • JQuery

  • SASS

  • xsl(t)



Do you also want to become a real Capitalos? Just let us know if you think we have a match! You can upload your resume and motivation on this page, but you can also email:*

Of course, we handle your data carefully before and during your application process. You can read more about this in our Privacy Policy.


*Acquisition based on this vacancy is not appreciated.