Niels BeerninkThursday, April 26, 2018

Content Stress Disorder (CSD). This term has not been added to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, but we from Capital ID describe it as:

‘Ongoing psychological pressure, caused by the organization and creation of content.’

Relevant content is hot. Aimed at buyers, new prospects or employees. Every article must show that you understand your audience, and pull them along on the journey. Creating good, relevant and on-brand content however, is not an easy job.

Content is not solely created by marketing or communications professionals. Ideally you rely on the knowledge of experts in your organisation for high quality content. External agencies, partners and different internal departments are involved with incorporating style elements, media files and branding. When it finally comes to the production and distribution stage, even more tasks require coordinating. With this many balls in the air, it is no surprise that even the best professional sometimes loses the plot. ‘Where did we store the hi-res images for the summer campaign?

More and more, marketing and communications professionals are faced with what we at Capital ID call Content Stress Disorder. The good news is, there is a cure for this. Click on the link below to download the white paper and find out.

Download the white paper

Download the white paper by clicking the link below: